Aizu and Ango-Jutsu: Techniques for signaling and writing
Aruki Kata: Name given to the methods of walking
Ashinami Jukka Jo: 10 ways of walking according the Ninpo book Shoninki
Asuka period: 592 till 710
Ba-Jutsu: Horsemanship
Bakufu: The Shogunate system
Banpen Fugyo: The spirit of never be surprised or afraid
Bansenshukai: A Ninpo book ("All rivers flow to the sea")
Biken-Jutsu: Specialised sword techniques
Bisento: A long-handled battlefield halberd
Bisento-Jutsu: Bisento techniques
Bishamonten: A guardian of the Heavens of the Buddhist religion
Bo: The collective name for all types of staff; a staff between 6 and 8 Shaku in length
Bo-Jutsu: Staff techniques
Boshiken: Thumb strike
Bu: A measurement of length: 1 Bu = 0.303 cm (10 Bu = 1 Sun)
Bufu: A code of conduct
Bufu Ikkan: "Keep going!" code of conduct
Bugei Juhappan: 18 basic categories of martial art techniques
Bugeisha: Martial artist
Bukkyo: The Buddhist religion
Bumon: The Martial Art component consisting of the Ninpo Sanjurokkei
Bunmon: The learning and understanding of culture
Buppo: The theory of the Buddhist religion
Busha-Jutsu: Archery
Butoku Iko: The shining virtue of the martial arts
Butsumetsu: A secret weak point in the chest
Chimon: Geography, etc.
Chonin: An ordinary citizen
Chudan no Kamae: Pointing with one tip of the Bo towards the opponents midsection
Chusei period: The Middle Ages (14th - 16th Century)
Daijodan no Kamae: A posture where the sword is above the head to cut vertically
Daimyo: Feudal lord
Daito: A long sword
Daken-Taijutsu: Striking techniques
Do: Way, path
Dokkotsu: Adamsappel
Dokyo: Teachings from China
Doshi: The titel of Master, originally from the Chinese Dokyo, later adopted by the Ninja
Doshin: Name given to the police of the Edo period
Edo period: 1603 till 1868
Fudo Kanashibari no Jutsu: Immobilizing any living thing with the power of the mind
Fudochi: The immovable wise heart
Fudomyo-O: Guardian of the Heavens
Fudo Shichi Baku In: Techniques used to immobilize an enemy
Fudoshin: An immovable heart
Fundo: An iron weight
Furinkazan: A motto used by Takeda Shingen: "Wind/Forest/Fire/Mountain"
Gedan no Kamae: Standing, one point of a Jo resting on the floor behind one
Genbukan Ninpo Bugei Dojo: Genbukan Ninpo Martial Arts Dojo/organisation name
Genji: Minamoto family
Genjutsu: Magical techniques
Genzen Okusezu: An air of dignity
Geta: Wooden, thonged sandles
Gofu: Talisman, good-luck charms, etc.
Goku: See Koku
Goshin: Defense of the body, spirit and soul
Goton Santo no Ho: The 30 methods of disappearing
Gunryaku Heiho: Strategies
Gyaku Nage: Joint-locking techniques
Gyakute: A way of holding a sword or blade so that the blade runs down the forearm
Gyoja: A mountain priest
Hachimon Tonko no Ekisen: Fortune-telling techniques from China
Han-Bo: A half staff, 3 Shaku long
Hanbo-Jutsu: Hanbo techniques
Happa: Ear breaker
Happa-Ken: A strike done with both palms
Happo Kuten: Somersaulting without the use of hands in 8 directions
Happo Tenkai: Handspring with the use of hands in 8 directions
Hashiri Kata: The name given to the methods of running
Hasshodo: The 8 ways for the correct mental Buddhism state
Heian period: 794 till 1192
Heike: Taira family
Heishi: Heike family
Henso-Jutsu: The art of impersonation and disguise
Hicho-Jutsu: Leaping and flying techniques
Hidari Bo-Jiri: The left tip of a Bo
Hira Ichimonji no Kamae: Standing upright with the Bo horizontally in front of one
Hobaku-Jutsu: Techniques for restraining an opponent
Hojo-Jutsu: Techniques for using ropes
Ho-Jutsu: Techniques for making illusions
Hoko no Kamae: Standing upright with both hands in the air in front of one's head
Ichimonji no Kamae: A defensive posture
Iga: Mie Prefecture
Ihen no Kamae: Standing upright with a Bo behind one, in a horizontal position
In-Jutsu: See In/Yo
In: A form of concentration adopted from the Mikkyo religion
In/Yo: The Japanese pronounciation of Yin/Yang
Ishizuki: An iron tip located at the non-blade end of a Yari or Naginata
Jakkin: A secret nervepoint in the upperarm
Jiai: Affection and benevolance
Jiai ni Tomi: See Jiai
Jingai-Jutsu: Signaling techniques
Jo-Jutsu: Techniques with a 3/4 staff
Joruri: A Japanese-style puppet play
Jujutsu: See Ju-Taijutsu
Jukyo: The theory of moral and governmental ruling from China
Jumon: A secret chant
Junanajo no Kenpo: The 17 Article Constitution made by Shotoku Taishi
Jun Shihan: A title rank of Assistant Master (7th Dan) in the Genbukan Dojo
Ju-Taijutsu: Grappling techniques
Jutte: A short iron rod with a hook pretruding just above the handle
Jutte-Jutsu: Jutte techniques
Kabuki: A Japanese style-play
Kago: A palanquin
Kagura: Sacred music and dance about the Gods performed at shrines
Kaiki: The collective name given to tools used for breaking and entering
Kajo Chikusei: Bearing/respecting the qualities of the flower and the spirit of the bamboo
Kajo Waraku: A heart as peaceful, joyful and lovely as that of a flower (Ninniku Seishin)
Kaki: Fire toolsKakushi Buki: Hidden weapons
Kama: A sickle
Kamae: A posture (offensive or defensive)
Kamakura period: 1192 till 1334
Kamari: Name once given to a group of Ninja, meaning is "scout"
Kama Yari: A Yari with a half-moon blade attached to it
Kan: Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese word Chen (name for Ninja)
Kancho: The President/Headmaster of the Genbukan organisation
Kan-i Junikai: A law (Shotoku Taishi) dividing Japan's social structure in 12 classes
Kanji: Chinese characters
Kankoku Juhakkei: The 18 fundamental Chinese-style martial arts
Kansetsu Waza: Joint-locking techniques (see Ju-Taijutsu)
Katana: A sword
Katon no Jutsu: Fire techniques
Keisotsu: Thoughtlessness
Kenpo: Fist techniques
Kenpo: Sword techniques
Ketsu-In: The forming of special knots with the fingers
Ki: Spirit power
Kiai (Kiai-Jutsu): Power yelling (techniques)
Kinsei period: The Modern Ages (16th Century - early 20th Century)
Kinton no Jutsu: Techniques for using birds
Kinton no Jutsu: Reflection techniques with mirrors
Kiseru: A smoking pipe made of a bamboo shaft with 2 iron ends
Kisha-Jutsu: Archery from horseback
Kito: Prayers for general good
Kocho no Kamae: Standing upright holding a sword in front of one's forehead horizontally
Kodachi-Jutsu: Techniques for using the Shoto
Koe: A secret nervepoint in the thigh
Koga (Koka): Shiga Prefecture
Kojiri: The end (or tip) of a scabbard
Koku: A measurement of rice with a volume of 180.39 cm3
Koppo-Jutsu: Techniques developed from Kosshi-Jutsu
Kosei no Kamae: Standing upright with one hand at head level, the other at groin level
Kosshi-Jutsu: The oldest form of Taijutsu using the fingers for striking
Kuden: A teaching only passed by word of mouth
Kuji-Kiri: A form of cutting the air 9 times with a "sword" In
Kunoichi: The name given to female Ninja
Kusa: Grass; A name once given to Ninja
Kusari: A chain
Kusarigama: A weapon usually consisting of a sickle and weighted chain
Kyojitsu Tenkan: Diversionary tactics (from the poem Ninniku Seishin)
Kyoketsushoge: A specialised Ninja Kusarigama
Kyoshi: A title rank of Teacher in the Genbukan Dojo
Kyu-Jutsu: Archery
Makibishi: Small pointed objects scattered on the ground to stop or slow down an enemy
Makiwara: Rice-straw padding
Makko Karatake Wari: A way to cut an opponent vertically in half
Meiji period: 1868 till 1912
Metsubishi: Eye-blinders
Mezashi: A bamboo Jo with an arrow concealed in one end
Migi Bo-Jiri: The right-tip of a Bo
Mikkyo: An esoteric Buddhist religion
Muromachi period: 1394 till 1603
Muto-Dori (-Jutsu): Techniques for unarmed defense against an armed opponent
Muto no Kamae: A weaponless posture
Naga Bishaku: A farmer's 6 feet pole with a cup attached to spread human faeces
Naginata: A halberd
Naginata-Jutsu: Naginata techniques
Nanboku-Cho period: 1334 till 1394
Nara period: 794 till 1192
Nawanuke no Jutsu: Techniques for escaping from bindings
Nigite: Shrine papers cut and folded in a zig-zag manner
Nin: An entire or patience
Ninja: A master of Ninpo
Ninja Juhakkei: The 18 parts of the training of the Ninja
Ninpo Sanjurokkei: The 36 parts of the training of the Ninja
Ninja-Shoku: Ninja food
Ninja-To: A Ninja sword
Ninjato-Jutsu: Ninja sword techniques
Ninja Yashiki: A Ninja house
Ninpiden: A Ninpo book ("Secret Teachings of Ninjutsu")
Ninpo Bugei: The Ninpo martial art
Nintai Seishin: The ability to throw insults/humiliation away (Ninniku Seishin)
Nin-Yaku: Ninja medicine
Nito-Jutsu: Techniques for using the Daito and Shoto
Nukiuchi: A way of drawing a sword to cut an opponents waist
Nyoibo: A huge battle club
Obi: A sash
Ofuro: A Japanese bath
Ongyo no Jutsu: Leaping and concealing techniques
Oniwaban: Namen given to Ninja whose undercover job was as castle guards
Onshin no Ho: Techniques for attaining invisibility
Onshin Tongyo no Jutsu: Techniques for concealment and escaping
Otonashi no Kamae: Standing upright with a Bo behind one, keeping it horizontal
Ranbo-Rozeki: Ranbo means "violence and rudeness"; Rozeki means "rioting"
Rappa: Name once given to a Ninja-group, meaning "guide"
Reishi-Sen: A lifeline between God and all living things
Ri: A measurement of distance: 1 Ri = 4 kilometer
Rokushaku-Bo: A full staff (length = 6 Shaku)
Ronin: A masterless Samurai
Ryu (Ryu-Ha): Type of school or tradition
Sageo: A cord usually fitted on swords
Sageo Nana Jutsu: Techniques for using the Sageo
Sakki: Killing intention
Salary-man: An office worker
Sanbon Yari: A 3-bladed Yari
Sanbyo no Imashime: The law of the 3 illnesses
Sancho: The bridge of the nose
Sanpo-Gata: The collective name given to certain techniques of Henso-Jutsu
Sansei Hiden no Ho: The collective name given to 3 main forms of Kiai
Sanzui: A radical (or part of) a Kanji meaning "water"
Saru: A radical (or part of) a Kanji meaning "going forth"
Satori: Comprehension
Saya: A scabbard
Sayo Yoko-Buri: Spinning the chain/rope of a Kusarigama on one side of the body
Seishinteki Kyoyo: Spiritual Culture
Sekko-Jutsu: Techniques on surveillance and on how to employ an army
Sendo: See Senjutsu
Sengoku period: The Samurai Wartime in Japan (1467 till 1573)
Senjutsu: Techniques for becoming super-human
Sennin: A practitioner of Senjutsu
Senpai: A senior practitioner
Seppuku: Ritual suicide (Hara-Kiri)
Sessho: Regent of the empire
Shakkotsu: A secret nervepoint in the lowerarm
Shaku: A measurement of length (1 Shaku = 30.3 centimeter)
Shibire-Gusuri: Poisons that produce a numbing or paralysing effect
Shichibatsu: A secret nervepoint in the back
Shichihode: The collective name given to 7 forms of disguise (Henso-Jutsu)
Shichiju no Kana: A secret form of writing
Shichisho: The collective name given to a set of 7 books on strategy
Shihan: A title rank of Master in the Genbukan Dojo
Shihan-Cho: A title rank of Chief Master in the Genbukan Dojo
Shiko: The Japanese pronounciation of the Su Chang province in China
Shikomi-Gatana: A Jo with a concealed sword
Shikomi-Jo: A Jo with a concealed weapon
Shinai: A bamboo sword
Shinken Shiraha-Dori: The way of empty-handedly catching the blade of a real sword
Shinobi: A Ninja
Shinobi-Bi: A small Ninja cannon, 2 Shaku and 5 Sun long
Shinobi-Katana: See Ninja-To
Shinobi-Gi: The Ninja uniform
Shinobi Iroha: A secret form of writing
Shinobi no Mono: Emphasizes a person involved in stealth and disguise
Shinobi Rikugu: The 6 essential Ninja tools
Shinobi Shozoku: The Ninja equipment
Shinto: Japanese religion
Shinzen Rei: A ceremonial bow to the Dojo shrine
Shizen no Kamae: A posture where one is standing upright as normal
Shoji: A paper sliding door
Shoninki: A Ninpo book ("Correct Ninjutsu Memories")
Shoten no Jutsu: Techniques for running up vertical objects
Shoto: A short sword
Shoto: The name of Grandmaster Tanemura
Showa period: 1926 until 1989
Shugendo: Combination of Buddhism and Shintoism
Shuko: An iron claw fitted to the hands
Shuko-Jutsu: Shuko techniques
Shumon: The religious and spiritual aspect of Ninpo
Shunkan Saiminjutsu: Hypnosis and mind-control techniques
Shuriken: Hand-thrown blades
Shuriken-Jutsu: Shuriken techniques
Shuto: A strike done with the side of an open hand; hand sword
So: Japanese pronunciation of the Song province in China
So: A Yari
Sodegarami: A sleeve-catcher
Sode-Deppo: See Sodezutsu
Sodezutsu: A small hand-held cannon, 1 Shaku and 1 Sun long
So-Jutsu: Yari techniques
Soko no Kamae: A posture where one hand is in Boshiken and the other is extended
Sokotsu-Biro: Carelessness, indelicacy, impoliteness
Sokuho: Ways of using the feet
Sokutoki: A small container that fills the air with Metsubushi
Sonbu: Japanese pronunciation of Sun Tsu, author of the book "Sonshi"
Sonshi: The Chinese book of strategics "Sueng Tsu"
Soshi: Grandmaster of the Genbukan Ninpo Bugei
Sosoku-Jutsu: Techniques for rapid walking and running
Suiki: Water-crossing tools
Sun: A measurement of length (1 Sun = 3.03 centimeter): 10 Sun = 1 Shaku
Susobarai: A way of cutting horizontally to an opponents feet
Suzu: Striking point of the groin
Tachi: An extra-long sword
Tachi-Jutsu: Tachi techniques
Tai: Physical, body
Taiho: A cannon
Tai-Jutsu: Unarmed self-defense techniques
Taisho period: 1912 till 1926
Tamakazari: A gigantic string with 500 colorful stones
Tanto: A very short sword up to one Shaku in length
Tanto-Jutsu: Tanto techniques
Tatami: A mat made of rice-straw measuring 1.8 meter x 0.9 meter x 6 centimeter
Tenchi-Buri: Spinning the chain/rope of a Kusarigama above the head
Tenchi Hasso no Kamae: Standing upright with a Bo or sword next to the ear, vertically
Tenchi no Kamae: See Tenchi Hasso no Kamae
Tengu: Demon
Tenmon: Astronomy
Tento: The crown of the head
Tenugui: A towel
Teppo: Gun, musket
Tessen: An iron fan
Tessen-Jutsu: Tessen techniques
Te-Yari: A very short Yari between 3 and 4 Shaku in length
Tetsu-Yari: An all-steel Yari
Tobi Kaiten: Jumping rolls
Tobi-Kata: The name given to the methods of jumping
Tobi Roppo: The collective name given to the 6 main ways of Tobi-Kata
Toda-Jutsu: Chinese Karate
Togakure: The feeling given to an opponent of being far away when in fact one is very near
Togakure-Ryu: The Ninpo style of Togakure
To-Jutsu: Techniques for using a Daito
Toki: Climbing tools
Toki: The highest position of a member of the government according to the Kan-i Junikai
Tokonama: An alcove on a wall of a main room reserved for paintings
Tsuba: The handguard of a sword
Tsuka: The handle of a sword
Tsukubo: A long staff with at one end another piece of spiked wood; used for restraining
Tsuki: A thrust with a weapon including a fist
Tsutsushimi Bukaku: Modesty, discretion and carefulness
Ukimi no Jutsu: Techniques for walking on ice especially with Geta
Yakuza: Japanese mafia
Yamabushi: Mountain Samurai/warrior
Yamabushi Hyoho: Strategies of the Yamabushi
Ya: Arrow
Yari: A spear
Yata no Karasu: A three-legged raven
Yojo Shiketsu: The form main points to preserve health
Yo-Jutsu: See In/Yo
Yokoha: The hook of a Jutte
Yoriki: Name given to the Police of the Edo period
Yuga: Graceful elegance
Yumi: A bow
Yuyo Semarazu: A sincere, calm and well composed attitude
Zanki: The perception of a cutting intention
Zanshin: State of cautiousness
Zui: Old Japanese name for China

© Grandmaster Tanemura Tsunehisa Shoto Sensei (from "Ninpo Secrets")

REMARK: Sometimes a word can have more than 1 meaning - the Japanese characters are different but the pronunciation is the same. Example: Kenpo 拳法 - fist techniques and Kenpo 剣法 - sword techniques. In Japanese, nouns (like Ninja) are always written in the singular form, even though it refers back to the plural form of the noun. (Example: Ninjas or Ninja's is NOT correct!)